Monday, February 7, 2022


Sec proposal doesn’t mention crypto, its new rules would let regulators probe into crypto platforms and even decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols."

1 comment:

  1. -There are daily twitter spaces of the community being formed and coming together.
    -There are numerous YouTube live streams every week.
    -BEES are swarming IRL events.
    -Incredible merch from all of the community built merch stores.
    -There has been Anime Limited’s launching of the YFU Girls.
    -Upcoming launch of The Starwire MoFo Goats.
    -And So much more!

    Also wanted to add that SBU DAO is in the transformation of becoming a one of its kind fully on chain DAO providing governance and voting powers to BEE NFT Holders. As well as truly innovative mechanics and features. Further details will be released in the near future.

    From all of the BEES, Thank you to all of the amazing community members we have here. We are all here like minded striving to bring change and positive impacts to the world. Lets Buzzin’ Go and continue to innovate. Have a good evening!
